Case Study: Victorian Department of Education and Training: Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support Training (SWPBS)

A project to train teachers in professional development on Schoolwide Positive Behaviour Support

The Challenge

The Victorian Department of Education had meant to create a digital solution for a long time, and when Covid came along, it gave the impetus to get it done. The Department traditionally conducted school-wide positive behaviour support training in face-to-face mode. The challenge in this project was to create an engaging, interactive digital learning environment for teachers for flexible delivery and in a form maintainable by the Department moving forward.

Education sector{Professional development{Conversion of face-to-face to digital learning

Our Approach

We suggested creating the course modules in Canvas (the Department’s internal LMS), which allowed their internal training team to edit them easily. We tailored the learning to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills to implement the school-wide professional behaviour support (SWPBS) approach in their schools. The professional learning modules totalled about 20 hours of learning content and counted towards their annual continuing professional development requirements. The learning content combined theoretical knowledge and practical steps and strategies to implement this SWPBS program in schools. We placed animations and contextualised case studies throughout the modules for practical, hands-on learning.


The Department was delighted with the results of the training. Whilst they initially approached us for the first course only, we subsequently produced three more. Other courses include the UPA, UPB classroom systems, and recently we’ve constructed learning content for Tier 2 interventions related to the school-wide professional behaviour support (SWPBS) approach. This mode of delivery is now the model for all of their training. In total, we have completed four 15–20 hour-long professional development courses for the Department.

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