How RPL lends itself to onboarding and compliance training
Compliance Training: The Power of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
For L&D and OD leaders, it’s essential to ensure that their teams’ training methods are both effective and efficient, especially when it comes to large cohorts as is often the case for compliance training. In our experience, one significant area that often remains underexplored is the concept of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Why RPL Matters
RPL is more than just an acknowledgment of one’s prior experiences and knowledge. It’s an avenue for adult learners—who seek the most direct path through training—to prove their existing knowledge. When one considers compliance training, it’s paramount to understand that if these learners have already been trained yearly and retain the information, it’s only fitting that we provide them a chance to demonstrate this competence.
RPL in Action
Imagine a scenario where a stakeholder discusses the importance of refresher courses, compliance training, or assessments. A crucial question to address is whether the inclusion of an RPL or exemption test functionality is suitable.
In practical terms, when a learner accesses an eLearning module they’ve previously encountered—perhaps due to previous roles in similar institutions—they should have the opportunity to exempt themselves, either fully or partially. This process might look like the following:
- The Beginning: As they start the module, learners are given a choice: opt in or opt out of the RPL test.
- Opting Out: If they decide not to take the RPL test, they proceed with the module as any other learner would.
- Opting In: By choosing this, learners can showcase their current competencies, skills, and knowledge. The system then selects a variety of questions from different topics, effectively testing them.
- Assessment Outcomes: Depending on their performance, they might exempt themselves from certain sections or modules. Consequently, they are only presented with the content they need, sparing them from revisiting familiar territory.
- The Variations: The functionality can be adapted in various ways, catering to specific organisational needs. While the technicalities can be intricate—entailing careful competency mapping—the results, in terms of time and cost savings, are profoundly impactful.
The Real-World Impact
By embracing RPL, organisations can potentially trim down extensive compliance training durations, from say, four hours to just one. This not only enhances the learning experience for the users but also results in monumental cost savings. Several large corporations, after integrating RPL in their training modules, have reported savings in the millions.
The Bottom Line
RPL is more than a concept—it’s a transformative tool in the world of L&D and OD. If you’re yet to explore Recognition of Prior Learning, delve into its functionalities. Or, reach out, and let’s discuss how it can reshape your training paradigms.
Watch Liberate’s Group Managing Director, Rodney Beach, explain the concept: