Transform your L&D team’s capabilities and services and deliver greater value for your organisation.
Creating Organisational Value through Learning and Development – A Certification Program for Learning Leaders and their Teams
The Liberate Learning Creating Organisational Value through Learning and Development program has been exclusively designed by internationally renowned L&D thought-leader Charles Jennings.
The program’s concept and structure aim to empower participating L&D teams to increase their measurable value rapidly through:
- building capability
- improving services
- embedding research-based learning interventions throughout the workplace.
The full Creating Organisational Value through Learning and Development program is facilitated in blended online and virtual/face-to-face live sessions over six to twelve weeks.
Based on an unparalleled mix of evidence-informed research and practical knowledge-building, this unique certification program combines methodologies, tools, and practical case studies to build a value-based toolkit which L&D practitioners and teams can apply immediately.
Create Organisational Value Through Learning and Development – Program Structure
Learn more about L&D function maturity
Watch this recording of our live webinar Transforming L&D: From Isolated Function to Performance Driver, facilitated on 1 August 2024.
Hosted by Brandon Hall Group, the webinar featured Liberate Learning leaders Charles Jennings and Craig Simon who joined Brandon Hall’s Matt Pittman for a discovery into crucial topics facing every L&D team right now:
- Integration Over Isolation: Discover why L&D should not be a siloed function but an integral part of organisational strategy, akin to essential operations like communications.
- Learning in the Flow of Work: Insights from the European Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market highlight that 96% of learning occurs during work. Learn how to leverage these moments effectively rather than relying solely on traditional training setups.
- Shifting From Content to Context: Moving beyond classroom-based education to a holistic learning ecosystem, focusing on experiential, in-the-moment learning that aligns with business needs.
- Foundations of Change – Assessing Learning Maturity: Understand the importance of an initial honest assessment of learning maturity within your organisation to build a solid foundation for transformative change of the L&D function.
Feedback from one of the participants:
“I’m so glad I logged on for this. It has given me the words to what I am trying to accomplish”
Where do you and your L&D team stand?
Download our free L&D function maturity self-assessment tool:

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