Equip your students with hands-on business experience with our licensed business simulations.

Our range of business simulations, powered by TOPSIM, offer realistic, immersive experiences that allow your students to apply theoretical concepts to real-world business scenarios. Simulations, as a hands-on approach to learning, complement and can significantly enhance your curriculum offering, on- and offshore.

Smart business simulations not only boost student engagement but also develop critical thinking and decision-making skills, making your graduates more attractive to potential employers.

Discover our range of business simulations

Management Essentials Business Simulation: Hands-On Business Education

Immerse your Students in the World of Business with Management Essentials.

In Management Essentials, your students will embark on an immersive journey through the world of entrepreneurship. Suitable for newcomers in business, with a captivating storyline and a series of exciting challenges, they will experience the real-world complexities of running a business.

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Startup Essentials Business Simulation: For Tomorrow’s Entrepreneurs

Take Your Students from Start-up to Corporate Management.

Start-ups play a crucial role in driving innovation, stimulating the labor market, and shaping society. However, the journey to self-employment is far from easy, as numerous factors need to be considered for a successful start-up. That’s where Startup Essentials comes in. Powered by TOPSIM, this business simulation allows participants to experience the typical steps of a business start-up and learn how to effectively manage their own company.

Virtual Business Challenge Platform: Remote Business Simulations 

Offer Independent Virtual Business Learning With Business Challenge Essentials.

Business Challenge Essentials offers a dynamic and hands-on introduction to business administration. Our user-friendly business simulation allows your students to experience independent learning about business and economics from anywhere in the world with an internet connection.

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Business Acumen Simulations: Next Level Management Education 

Getting to Know Medium-Sized Businesses with Business Management Simulations.

Small and medium-sized businesses are the backbone of any economy, accounting for a significant share of export success. However, these so-called SMEs face challenges such as rising commodity prices, labor costs, and increasing competition from low-wage countries. To remain competitive, innovative strength, skills, and advanced technologies are required. That’s where Business Management Simulations come in.

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Strategic Management Simulations: Mastering the Digital Age

Help your Students Master Digitalisation with Our Scale Up Business Simulation.

In today’s globalised and digitalised world, companies are facing unprecedented challenges. Established businesses with years of experience must adapt their strategic planning and develop new business models to stay competitive. We have the solution to help your students navigate these challenges and be well prepared for the digital age.

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Mastering General Management: Unlocking Success

Allow Your Students to Gain Insights into Navigating Complex Information.

Are you searching for a powerful tool to equip your university students with the skills they need to excel in the world of business and management? Discover the transformative power of Mastering General Management, our powerful management simulation, powered by TOPSIM.

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Mastering Business Operations Simulation for Advanced Business Management Skills

Offer In-Depth Insights into Advanced Business Operations Skills.

Discover the world of industrial management with Mastering Business Operations. This competitive simulation, powered by TOPSIM, provides participants with a deep understanding of the operations of a medium-sized manufacturing company. From the very beginning, participants are faced with diverse decision-making challenges and the extensive challenges of management.

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Mastering Global Expansion: A Business Simulation for Universities

Prepare Your Students to Thrive in the International Business Landscape.

This management simulation is specifically designed to equip your students with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving global business landscape. See what sets Mastering Global Expansion apart and why it is an invaluable addition to your curriculum.

Learn more about this simulation program

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